SJVRC “One Mile for One Child” Charity Ao Am Tình Thương Hue 2023

SJVRC “One Mile for One Child” Charity Ao Am Tình Thương 2023 now begins! Our team Da Nang leading by Vu Pham Phạm Hoàng Phong Nhã and Phuong Huynh is delivering total 448 jackets. First stop, A Lưới a rural district of Thừa Thiên Huế province which located west in the highly mountainous area of A Shau Valley bordering Laos. The population includes many Bru, Hoa and Tà Ôi people! They met with our Hue sponsorship team Wendy Duong and distributed 242 jackets to 4 schools with Partnership with Pennsylvania Vietnamese Hiking Group Thu L Huynh.